Friends Program

The Fun FRIENDS program focuses on increasing social-emotional skills, coping skills, and resilience to prevent the onset of emotional and behavioural problems in later life. Children, parents, and teachers are taught the intervention skills with the aim of promoting wellness and providing children and families with the skills needed to conquer challenges and adversity.
File Information for Parents
Parent information sheet.
FRIENDS: Tips for Parents
Information on skills and strategies to assist parents in supporting their children and youth in the home.
Image Friends - Universal Intervention
FAQ - Friends Program
File Introduction to Friends
"In today’s modern world we live longer; survive illnesses that only a century ago killed millions; use machines to do back-breaking labour; and program our computers to unlock scientific and medical mysteries, entertain us, and lighten our day-to-day workload". Barrett & May (2007). Introduction to FRIENDS This booklet serves to introduce the FRIENDS program to individuals interested in its application within an organized educational or preventative mental health regime. You are free to reproduce and distribute this booklet as long as the above copyright acknowledgement is made..
File Child Development
The Impact of Enhancing Students’ Social and Emotional Learning: A Meta-Analysis of School-Based Universal Interventions
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