Fabrication / Mechanics 10 Outlines

Career and Technology Studies (CTS)


Mechanics / Fabrication - Introductory Level


Beiseker Community School


Course Outline



Reason for CTS - This CTS course offers all students an important learning opportunities in the field of mechanics.  This modularized program offered here is an introductory level.   It is geared for maximum student knowledge in planning, materials,  tools, work habits, safety, and the field of mechanics as a whole.




Course Setup - Each student MUST complete a combination of 3 of the following modules in order to earn a total of 3 credits.




Fabrication  Modules - Introductory Level -

FAB 1010                                FABRICATION TOOLS & MATERIALS

Students develop knowledge and skills in the use of basic hand tools and    materials used in fabrication processes, and safely transform common metals       into useful products. Prerequisite: None                                                1 credit


FAB 1040                                OXYACETYLENE WELDING

Students develop basic skills in the safe handling and operation of oxyacetylene   equipment. Prerequisite: FAB1010: Fabrication Tools & Materials        1 credit

FAB 1048                                SEMI-AUTOMATED/AUTOMATED WELDING

Students develop basic knowledge and skills related to the use of Gas Metal Arc   Welding (GMAW) and Flux Cored Arc Welding (FCAW) processes in both     personal use and commercial applications. They also develop introductory

knowledge of Submerged Arc Welding (SAW) processes. Prerequisite: FAB1010: Fabrication Tools & Materials                                                      1 credit


FAB 105                                  BASIC ELECTRIC WELDING

Students develop basic skills related to the safe use and operation of one or more common electric welding processes. Prerequisite: FAB1010: Fabrication Tools & Materials                                                                                                          1 credit

FAB 1910                                FAB PROJECT A

Students develop project design and management skills to extend and enhance   competencies and skills in other CTS courses through contexts that are      personally relevant. Prerequisite: None                                                         1 credit



Mechanics  Modules - Introductory Level -



MEC 1020                              Vehicle Service and Care

- learn about vehicle maintenance, inspections and care

- 25 hours                                                        1 Credit


MEC 1040                              Engine Fundamentals

- learn how to determine the condition of an engine and the by-products it can produce.

- 25 hours                                                        1 Credit


MEC 1090                              Electrical Fundamentals

- learn how electrical systems work and the care of the battery unit

- 25 hours                                                        1 Credit



MEC 1150                               Ride and Control Systems

- learn to describe the purpose, operation, and interdependent nature of ride and control systems associated with vehicles

- 25 hours                                                        1 Credit


MEC 1160                               Vehicle Structures and Materials

- determine the relationship between the function of a vehicle and the materials used to construct it

- 25 hours                                                        1 Credit


MEC 1170                               Metal Forming and Finishing

- learn the effects of distortion and corrosion on sheet metal and how to repair minor damage.

- 25 hours                                                        1 Credit



The assessment for each module is unique and can be seen in the shop, however, this is a participation course and as such you need to be in class, participating in the work that needs to be completed for each module and working well with those around you and with you at the time.


Participation is generally worth 30% and the actual work done is worth 70%.  The theory portion of every module must be complete before going onto the shop floor and working on your particular module.


Working in the shop means shop rules apply at all times (as discussed at the beginning of the first class). No phones at any time! No horsing around ever! Lates and absences will affect your ability to get the work done to the complete modules on time.

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