February Learning Commons News

What is a Learning Commons? Information on the Learning Commons Philosophy, Policy and Guidelines from Alberta Education. Information on the transition to a Learning Commons model at Beiseker Community School.

As the Learning Commons Facilitator at Beiseker Community School, I am excited to be a part of our transition to the Learning Commons Model.  The Library is a busy place in a school - especially the only K-12 school in our district.  We strive to meet the diverse needs of elementary, middle school and high school students.

There have been a few big changes this past year.  Our school technician now shares an office with the library technician and the circulation station has moved out into the library.  A self-circulation station has been set up for high school students and we now have a Library and Literacy Leadership Club.  Students in the Library and Literacy Leadership Club are currently "trainees" who help with shelving, displays, books fairs and circulation.  Some of these students are also assisting with the new Rocky Mountain Book Award Book Club for students in grades 4 through 6.

The past year has been a year of growth, transition and change as our school library evolves from a provider of books for information and leisure purposes toward more active participation in preparing students to be "engaged critical thinkers, evaluators, ethical users and entrepreneurial creators of information and knowledge."  (Alberta Education)  I am looking forward to sharing this journey with the students, parents, staff and administration at Beiseker Community School.  The focus for 2015-2016 will be on the transition to the Learning Commons Model.  As we transition our school library to a Learning Commons, the physical space is getting a face lift. We are getting new flooring, fresh paint, new electrical outlets with charging stations and new lighting.  There will be a continued focus on technology and the addition of Makerspaces, a 3D printer, and the addition of eBooks to our collection.

Collaboration between teaching staff and the library will be a primary focus as we strive to integrate activities focusing on library skills instruction, information literacy and digital citizenship into the lives of students.  During the transition to both a physical and a virtual Learning Commons, communication of the changes in multiple formats will be essential to student and staff engagement in this process.

For more information on the Learning Commons Philosophy, Policy and Guidelines from Alberta Education, visit:  Alberta Education

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